Hadis Foundation Donees

Tsintsiya Women: Tsintsiya is a women agro-entrepreneurial community group sponsored by Hadis Foundation to help less privileged women. With over 1000 members, they are empowered and strengthened to lead and support their fellow community women.

Nigerian Women Trust Fund: The Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund (NWTF) was created in 2011 to increase the representation of women in Nigerian governance at all levels and address the growing concerns about the gender imbalance in elective and appointive positions. Their vision is to create a Nigeria where women and men engage equally in governance leading to National development and serving as the facilitators of equitable citizenship and sustainable participation for women in governance in Nigeria.

The partnership between Hadis Foundation and NWTF is a mutually beneficial one. They provide Hadis with support in areas where needed, and the Hadis Foundation Team Lead, Dr Amina Salihu, provides mentorship for their mentees.

Kaduna State Rehabilitation Board: KSRB is a state-owned rehabilitation centre in Kaduna; it aims to maximize the potential and restore a person who has an impairment, or incapacity for service or work, as a result of a service injury or disease to at least the same physical and psychological state, and at least the same social, vocational and educational status, as they had.

With the aid of KSRB, Hadis Foundation provided financial aid and consultancy services to the Persons with Disability community in the state.